Our Introduction to Mindfulness classes are recommended for all our clients as it is designed to give you an insight to Mindfulness and Meditation. This class is up to 2 hours in duration and very popular as it is both informative and relaxing. Find a venue by clicking on the + see details link below. If there is no venue to suit you try our monthly online session. For further details take a look at our services page.
The school of Mindfulness meets every 4 weeks. The £10:00 session charge includes a monthly onsite class then further weekly online support including a group Meditation. I would recommend that the introduction to Mindfulness is completed before joining. Ring 07968912452 for further details.
Online classes
Online classes
To busy to get to a class. Try our online sessions. Each week we concentrate on a new subject such as Anxiety or living in Auto Pilot. You simply just need to download the Zoom app. Once you have booked, we will send you the link.
One to One Session
One to One Session
One to one consultations can be face to face or online. Save money by booking several sessions in advance by clicking on the + See details link below. For further details take a look at our services page or speak to Ray on 07968912452.